[NewS] Tegoshi in Warette Ittomo

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[T&T] Tackey NHK Era Drama


滝沢秀明(25)が主演のNHK時代劇「雪之丞変化」(来年1月3日午後9時放送)で女形に挑戦するシーンが23日、公開された。滝沢は「世界観 が全然違う。またやりたいと思った」。市川左団次のアドバイスや歌舞伎のセットに「胸を借り、すごくやりやすかった。すごいぜいたくでした」。親のあだ討 ちを誓う芝居一座の女形・雪之丞と、雪之丞を助ける怪盗・闇太郎の2役を演じる。共演は左団次のほか、戸田恵梨香、高岡早紀ら。

[2007年11月24日8時10分 紙面から]


[Tokio] Oricon Looking Forward Rating


( 2007年11月24日 06時00分)

TOKIOが8月発売の「本日、未熟者/Over Drive」に続くニューシングル「青春(SEISYuN)」を11月28日にリリースする。今作は長瀬智也主演のTBS系ドラマ『歌姫』の主題歌として使用されている。




[Kat-tun] Music Fighter (23.11.2007)

[Kinki] Myojo Interview (Both)

<Kinki Kids talk about “Have(good)- didn’t have (bad)”>

[Strong taste Miso Soup]

K: Eh….., Don’t know (bitter laugh), I think no one had ever give me this kind of stuff to eat, I am not picky in eating!

T: Bad, In Kansai, soup are basically not strong in taste. If the soup base too strong, you couldn’t taste the ingredients .

[To the girl who really into your hobbies]

K: It won’t be bad, I think, I didn’t mind at all. Even though I will not specially think “this is what it call get along well…” (laugh), should be good.

T: In Deep thinking it should be “good”. Not really competing who lose who win, who is professional who is not, who is good who is not, just accept it naturally is good enough.

[Those people who like to came really close to you even just meet you in first time]

K: Depend on who he/she is… Meaning of coming close (wanting to meet you), got a lot of different types isn’t it?

T: A bit “bad”. We only just meet, doing this (coming really close) will only make people think you have some other objectives (bitter laugh)

[Fan’s excited cheering sound]

K: That’s should be “good”. Not saying that I like those people who screaming really loud (laugh), just only purely feel happy, listening to fans cheering.

T: As long as its not on the street (laugh). Recently, (I) finally rarely got surround by girls, but that’s cause a large chaos, really, really headache.

[Girls who make up in public]

K: Its not good to do this in public (bitter laugh). Of course, everyone got their own situation.

T: If is my female partner, I will mind. Of course, its not a bad thing to do make up ….

[Stage which unexpectedly near to audience]

K: That’s a bit forcing us (laugh), its embarrassing, don’t know what to do…

T: I always like to be that near, as it will make the songs and me more easy to communicate to fans.

[Bed without Pillows]

K: Depend on what kind of bed, like my bed at home, is made by “even without pillow is really good to sleep on” quality. Its those that bed that remember your body shape. However (even though the bed like that) I will still put pillow to sleep. So It should be having pillow better….?

T: “Good”. To me, even in sleeping in hotel I will move away my pillows. More accurately saying, I put pillows in a 8 (kanji style) form, then put my head in between, letting my head directly touching the quilt to sleep. That’s will save my head not to be blown by the air-con, its really comfortable.

[A dark space]

K: I am alright with it, not afraid at all. Of course thats also depend on why I was placed in that kind of place. If that’s only to be placed in a closed room (without windows), I am alright.

T: Depend on how long, basically I don’t like it. Even though when sleeping I will not open light, but if its a dark close room, my patient limited is 1 hour.


K: That’s not good, but if asking whether its forgivable if late, it should be forgivable. As I also sometime late. I couldn’t clearly said I never late, so I will not ask people harshly to do that.

T: Its bad for me or even others to be late. No matter how good the relationship is, he/she must be on time. For example, going out dating, my girlfriend make me wait I will not happy. So I am those who will get out earlier to go to appointments types.

[Hand made gift]

K: That should be “good”. Putting (yours) emotions into the gift, when receiving it, (the receiver) will feel more happy.

T: If its a dating partner, Its really “good”. But if not the hand made good may be too ‘heavy’. Girls, never try doing this, will scare people. It had to be when both side understand they would like to have dated then could made hand made gift, don’t do it too fast .

Nana: Last line, Tsuyo so could I interpretation your line as you and Kochan is ‘dating’ so you could always made him hand made gift? XD and you know Kochan love it right ? XD

[From Fluffy] TV life Scan



[From Fluffy] Myojo + Popolo Magazine Scan











(The above little one is from my friend – Ingbz 🙂 )









